Fukui Prefecture High School English Seminar

March 27-29, 2006 at Rokuroshi

I was lucky and got a fantastic group. They worked hard, were brilliant in the debate, and a lot of fun to be with. AND their English was incredible! Back, l-r*: Chieko, Me, Saya, Mana, Hiroki; front: Ai, Akiko ("Akko"), and Haruna ("Hanna").

I love these people!

*"l-r" = "left to right"
If you'd like a bigger picture file to print, please email me.
The debate: School authority should not extend outside of school.

We debated the affirmative side. The other team was excellent, but so were we. I think we won! I can't express how proud I am of all seven.

Saya, Chieko, and Akko deftly handled rebuttals, with help from everyone else, and Hanna delivered a a wonderful closing speech. Hiroki prepared a point for round two, but due to an organizational error (my fault) he didn't get to say it, so he and Hanna quickly made it fit into the closing speech. Good thinking, Hiroki!
Mana (r.) gave the opening speech and Ai (l.) gave our opening statement in Part 1 (Social aspects). Both of them also showed quick thinking in rebutting the other team's arguments.

(left) Saori (l.) and Chieko goofing off. (right) Saori, Chieko, and Kaori. It must have been about 2 am. People found all sorts of ways to have fun--some of them VERY strange. My favorite was a late-night hunting party. Some people didn't go to sleep at all the last night.
We also had a dance and a goodbye party, for which each group contributed a little bit of entertainment. But I didn't use my camera much until the end, so I'm afraid I don't have many pictures of the dance or party. If you have some, please send them to me, and I'll post them here.
Ai (l.) and Hanna at the dance. Nice hats!
Hanna, Me, and Ai (Kaori and Chieko jumping)
Joe and Money--What's he doing to that poor girl?



When it was time to say goodbye, the cameras came out. Japanese people REALLY love taking pictures!
At our closing ceremony, Rika ("Money") gave a great speech. She's funny and smart--and I'll always remember our dance.
I met Neo on the bus to Rokuroshi.
Chiemi & me
The last night, we talked for TWO HOURS! That's a lot of English!
Ohisashiburi! Nodoka was my student at Go-chu.

I think I'm in love--

but which one?!?!?!?

There were too many beautiful girls! (By the way, the young women in the bottom two pictures are Chiharu (l.) and Momoka, my penpals for the last year or so.)
Let's try that again
with Mana and a friend...
What am I doing to that poor girl? (Saori)
and Hiroki...
Chieko, me, Hanna, & Hiroki


Me, myself, and Ai
What am I doing WITH this poor girl? It was Chiharu's idea. Interesting girl...
Chieko, Yusuke, me, Hanna, & Kaori (front). Yusuke and Kaori were in my group last year, and we spent a lot of time goofing off together this year.
Kaori, Saori, and Chieko, with Yusuke (not in picture), entertained me into the wee hours. I'm still waiting to hear Kaori's secret!
Yusuke won a Lion's Club scholarship to study in Malaysia this summer. Congratulations! Kazu (below) won it last year and went to Norway.
Yusuke again
Ai, Akko, and Kaori


Give us your Money! Rika and the ALTs, (l-r) Erik, Chris, me, and Karl
Me and Yuki




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